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Reading & Phonics


English At Our School

At Wildridings Primary school we recognise the importance of English as foundation for life success.  It unites the important skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. At Wildridings, we endeavour to give children wide experience of each element and work diligently to ensure that all pupils leave our school able to read, communicate orally and in writing to the very best of their ability. 

All staff are committed to raising standards in English. We aim to meet every child’s needs through stimulating, differentiated lessons. In addition to daily English lessons, we try and identify possibilities for cross-curricular links.


Please look at our policies page for more information regarding the teaching and learning of English at Wildridings.


At Wildridings we follow the Sounds~Write Phonics Programme from EYFS –Y2. This programme teaches the alphabet code through the Initial and Extended Code, as well as learning to read and spell polysyllabic words. The Initial Code is taught from the beginning of Reception. The children will continuously build on the code to support them with both their reading and writing.


All Early Years and Key Stage 1 staff consistently follow the structured and cumulative programme. It is multi-sensory approach with scripted lessons. All pupils have the opportunities to regularly rehearse and practise their previous learning, to embed their skills. The aim of the programme is for our pupils to read and write with increased speed and accuracy.


Every EYFS and KS1 class will have a timetabled 30 minute session five times a week; all sessions will involve both reading and writing.

















At Wildridings, we want children to enjoy reading and to develop a love of books, in-class activities reflect this. Staff promote reading for pleasure through class texts. Reading is prioritized to help our children to access our curriculum.


During the early stages of reading, the focus is on individual reading. The children develop their skills through reading phonetically decodable books following the Initial and Extended code sequence. In the early reading stages, pupils develop the skills of blending and segmenting. This will then develop into more fluent reading.  A whole class reading approach is used from Years 2-6 to develop discussion and comprehension skills linked to the class text.

Recommended Reads Sorted By Year Groups - Books For Topics

Here are some examples of recommended books for your child. Click on your child's year group to see which books they could be reading.

Books - Preschool / Nursery
Books - Reception
Books - Year 1
Books - Year 2
Books - Year 3
Books - Year 4
Books - Year 5
Books - Year 6

Useful Link - Sounds-Write Phonics

At Wildridings spelling is explicitly taught. We use a multi- sensory approach to support the children. In EYFS and KS1 the spelling focus is based on the Sounds~write programme. Pupils will learn that the same sound can be spelt in many different ways and that many spellings can represent more than one sound.

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