Ethos & Values
'Nurturing the potential in everyone'
Over the next 3 to 5 years, we aim to be a school of academic excellence that is reflected in outcomes; a centre of excellence for the Arts in all its forms; and develop and grow pupils that have the transferable skills and social conscience to flourish in, and contribute to, the wider, ever-changing world.
Academic Endeavour
We will strive for academic excellence in every area of our school, working towards ambitious targets to ensure all our community achieve their full potential.
We will identify, support and develop all children’s citizenship, life skills and well-being to enhance their ability to fully participate within their community and beyond.
Life Skills
We will provide enrichment opportunities to encourage, inspire and motivate all children across a broad range of subjects and topics to enhance their life opportunities and future success.
Wildridings is a school committed to ensuring that every child, regardless of starting points or circumstances, is given the opportunities to succeed, be happy and thrive as life-long resilient learners and responsible citizens.
Our unique, highly innovative, creative curriculum, and our nurturing, inclusive approach to developing every child holistically, puts us at the forefront of primary education and pastoral care.
Using a mastery approach, depth of learning, critical thinking, and with a clear focus on application of skills and knowledge to core and wider learning in different contexts, Wildridings Primary provides a truly immersive and inspirational learning experience for all learners.