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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Inclusion Lead (SENDCo): Mrs Chrissy Wort
Governor for SEND: Mr Oli Rock


At Wildridings Primary School we are proud of our inclusive and nurturing approach.  We work in partnership with children, parents and other agencies to provide a secure, caring and happy environment that ensures the best possible outcomes for all children.


We are committed to meeting the needs of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities through Quality First Teaching. We want our children to benefit from learning in the classroom alongside their peers, with additional support if necessary. Inclusive teaching approaches across the school ensure that less additional support and fewer interventions are required. 


We have high expectations of all our children and aim to identify the needs of the child at the earliest possible stage, in order to help us plan appropriate provision to best support their learning and wellbeing.


All of our pupils have access to all school activities and experiences including clubs, trips and residential visits. ​ Our aim is for all children to leave Wildridings as independent, confident learners who are well prepared academically, emotionally and socially for their future.


If you would like to speak to the SENDCO or would like to meet to discuss your child, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 01344 425483 or by emailing 


The Bracknell Forest local offer details the SEND provision and services that can be accessed locally for children and young people (aged 0-25). See the Bracknell Forest website for further details by clicking here .


Click the buttons to see our key documents.


Useful Websites & Information


Bracknell Forest Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) 

An impartial information service for parents of children with SEND


Supporting your child's mental health


Understanding Autism & support for parents


 Understanding ADHD & support for parents


Supporting a child who has dyslexia


Speech & Language support


Supporting children who have anxiety 


Mindfulness for children 


Supporting your child with loss or change


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