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Welcome From The Head

Message from Mr Paul Chandler, Wildridings Primary School Headteacher

Welcome to Wildridings Primary – a wonderful school with brilliant pupils and committed staff who work tirelessly to give the entire Wildridings community the best possible experience of primary education.  We, at Wildridings, are all about inclusion, nurture and opportunity.  Nurturing the potential in everyone is our motto, and we firmly believe that happy, valued children are the best learners, the best citizens and the best people to lead us into the future.


Through our creative and innovative curriculum, we ensure critical thinking, independence, perseverance, participation and oracy are at the very heart of everything that we do.  Alongside our Golden Values, that promote responsibility, respect, self-appreciation and caring for others both in school and in the wider community, we ensure pupils develop holistically with well-rounded knowledge and skills. 


Our nurture provision is something we are extremely proud of and it is an essential aspect of school life that perfectly compliments our curriculum and teaching provision.  We have a skilled, highly qualified nurture team as well as a staff body that puts the well-being of children at the heart of everything that they do.  Children are happy here – and that is quite evident when you tour the classes and observe engaged, motivated children who have excellent relationships with peers and adults.  We are proud of our school and everyone that makes-up this wonderful community. 


We encourage our children and staff to do their best in all areas of school life, laying down strong foundations for the rest of their lives. Through empathy and encouragement, our whole school supports each other. It is only by working together as a school community that we can succeed. With our parents, we form an active partnership helping each other to create life-long learners.


I sincerely hope that by browsing our website, you will gain an informed insight into the many wonderful events and learning experiences Wildridings has to offer.


Thank you

Mr Paul Chandler

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